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A combination of alkaline builders, flow aid, grease buster, surfactants, esters, combination agent and dye for easy grease busting or heavy-duty jobs of oily floors, exhaust systems, kitchen hoods and many more.
Lifts dirt and stains easily
High foaming
High traffic lane cleaner
Fast drying and double action
Spray on desired surface and apply scrubbing with a bristle brush or scrubbing pad, leave chemical on surface for 15 minutes before rinsing.
Heavy Soils: 1 - 10 parts
Medium Soils: 1 - 20 parts
Light Soils: 1 - 30 parts
Mopping: 1 - 50 parts
Spray & Wipe: 1 - 40 parts
4 x 5 Litres (Per Carton)
25 Litres Carboy

Physical State | Liquid |
Appearance | Clear |
Colour | Blue - Green |
p.H Level | 13.0 - 13.50 |
Specific Gravity | 0.95 - 1.0 |
Odour | Pine Floral Alike |
Shelf Life | 1 Year Min. (in unopened condition) |
GHS Indication | Irritant |
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